Quote of today
”Either choice presents a great risk ... to all of us ...”
Queen Amidala has to choose wisely.
The Phantom Menace
Today we celebrate... George Lucas at his 66th birthday (born 1944)
Sofia Coppola at her 39th birthday (born 1971)
George Walton Lucas Jr. was born in Modesto, Carlifonia, USA. He is the cause of the universe of Star Wars, our hobbie and community. George Lucas is the Writer and Producer of all six Star Wars movies. He was Director for A New Hope and the Prequels, the Editor for the Original Triology and Attack of the Clones, Music producer for Original Triology and he played Baron Papanoida in Revenge of the Sith.
George Lucas was nominated for four Oscars but did not win any of them. Before Star Wars he did the movie THX 1138 and American Grafitti and he is also responsible to Indiana Jones: Raiders of he Lost Ark and a lot of other movies. George Lucas is the founder of
Lucasfilm Ltd and in high school his was nicknamed Luke.
George Lucas is also the Founder and Chairman of
The George Lucas Educational Foundation, founded back in 1991 as a nonprofit operating foundation to celebrate and encourage innovation in schools.
George Lucas is often shorten to just
GL or called "The Maker" in the Star Wars community.
Sofia Carmia Coppola was born in New York, USA. She is the daughter of director Francis Ford Coppola, a longtime friend of George Lucas. Sofia Coppola played Saché in The Phantom Menace.
Baron Papanoida is an influential personage in Coruscant affairs. He is seen in the Opera House standing with Senator Chi Eekway. In early incarnation he was planned to be named Baron Notluwiski.
An Exclusive Action Figure was made of George Lucas to Celebration II, May 3-5 2002 in
Indianapolis. It's an rebel pilot named Jorg Sacul (Sacul is Lucas spelled backwards).
Jorg Sacul is a
rebel pilot, a fearless fighter and renowned for his inner strength and
ability to remain calm under fire.
Egroeg Sacul was a customer of the
Star Tours travel agency. He was asked to see a Star Tours agent at gate number three before departing on a trip to Endor. The name Egroeg Sacul is George Lucas spelled backwards.
There is no information or speculations if Egroeg and Jorg are relatives.
Saché is one of Queen Amidalas handmaiden. She and Yané are left on Naboo when Amidala and the others went to Coruscant. She was attended at Qui-Gon Jinn’s funeral but absent at the Peace Ceremony. For more information about the handmaiden see
The Royal Handmaiden Society.