"I'm placing these droids in your care. Treat them well. Clean them up. Have the Protocol Droid's mind wiped."Today we celebrate...
Bail Organa handle over the care of two droids to Captain Antilles.
Revenge of the Sith
Adrian Dunbar at his 52nd birthday (born 1958)
Adrian Dunbar was born in Northern Ireland, UK and played Bail Organa in deleted scenes in The Phantom Menace. Bail Organa was then recast with Jimmy Smits for Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Dunbar's likeness instead became Bail Antilles.
Bail Antilles is the Senator of Alderaan during the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo. Antilles was nominated, along with Senators Palpatine of Naboo and Ainlee Teem of Malastare, to succeed the ousted Chancellor Valorum.
Bail Antilles, Wedge Antilles and Captain Raymus Antilles are not related, Antilles is just a common name in the galaxy far far away. There is no Colton Antilles in the movies. "Captain Antilles" who get strungled by Darth Vader in A New Hope, is the same Captain Antilles that Bail Organa assigns the droids to in Revenge of the Sith.