Monday, 31 August 2009

Servents of the Empire, a Jedi and a stepfather

Quote of today
"Cliegg Lars. Shmi is my wife... Come on inside. We have a lot to talk about."

Cliegg Lars introduces himselves to Anakin Skywalker.
Attack of the Clones
Today we celebrate…
Jack Thompson at his 69th birthday (born 1940)
Leonard Thomas at his 48th birthday (born 1961)
Dee Bradley Baker at his 47th birthday (born 1962)

Today we remember…
Michael Sheard who died today 2005 (born 16th June 1938)

Jack Thompson was born in Sydney, Australia and played Cliegg Lars in Attack of the Clones. His birth name was John Hadley Payne.
In the movie he has only one leg but his other leg is only dressed in a blue sock for digital removal.

Leonard Thomas was born in Oklahoma, USA and was the assistant to Samuel Jackson in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. He also played Roth-Del Masona in Attack of the Clones.

Dee Bradley Baker was born in Indiana, USA and did the voice for Commander Cody, Captain Rex and other Clone Troopers in The Clone Wars movie.
Read more about his work as the voice of several clones in The Voice of “Rookies”.

Michael Sheard was born in Scotland, United Kingdom and played Admiral Ozzel in The Empire Strikes Back.

Cliegg Lars is the moisture farmer on Tatooine that freed and married Anakin’s mother Shmi Skywalker. Cliegg dies of broken heart and of the injury he got when trying to rescue Shmi from the usken Raiders.

Jedi Roth-Del Masona is the adjutant to Mace Windu and one of the jedi that survive on the Geonosis arena. Roth-Del Masona is killed by General Grievous in the Battle of Courascant (Told in The Clone Wars TV-serie, chapter 25 and the book Labyrinth of Evil accourding to Wookiepedia.

Commander Cody, also known as unit 2224, was a loyal clone trooper serving the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.

In The Clone Wars TV-Episode: The Hidden Enemy at the end of Act I, you can hear Obi-Wan refer to Cody as both "commander" and "captain." The latter shot was originally of Kenobi referring to Rex and remain due to late editorial changes.

Captain Rex, also known as unit 7567, was a freethinking and aggressive soldier's-soldier and second in command after Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars.

Admiral Ozzel is a Imperial Navy officer.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

A loyal padawan

Quote of today
"Be careful, Obi-Wan. This investigation is becoming less than routine"

Mace Windu is concerned about Obi-Wan Kenobi's mission on Geonosis.
Attack of the Clones
Today we celebrate...
Nalini Krishan at her 32nd birthday (born 1977)

Nalini Krishan was born in Suva, Fiji and played Barriss Offee in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. She has her own website where you can read more about her.

Barriss Offee is a loyal Padawan paired with Jedi Master Luminara Undili. Barriss Offee was one of the victims of Order 66.

Friday, 28 August 2009

She gave Mara Jade a face

Quote of today
"You're wrong, Leia. You have that power too. In time you'll learn to use it as I have. The Force is strong in my Family. My father has it ... I have it ... and ... my sister has it."

Luke talks with Leia about his family.
Return of the Jedi
Today we celebrate...
Shannon McRandle at her 40th birthday (born 1969)

Shannon McRandle was born in Texas, USA and is a professional model. She has portrated Mara Jade in several photos for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, Enhanced Jabba's Palace (1999). Many subsequent products have since then borne Shannon McRandle's likeness to represent Mara Jade.

But there are also others who have represented Mara Jade.

Mara Jade is the future wife of Luke Skywalker and mother of his child.

We meet her the first time in the book "Heir to the Empire" (1991), part 1 in the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn. She is a well-known character in the Expanded Universe
but is never seen in the Star Wars movies.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

A little person

Quote of today

"Nice work. Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinking with your stomach."

Han Solo isn't pleased with being caught in a Ewok net.
Return of the Jedi
Today we celebrate…
Sal Fondacaro at his 57th birthday (born 1952)

Sal (Salvadore) Fondacaro was born in New York, USA and played an ewok in Return of the Jedi.

Ewoks are these furred and curious small creature, native to the moon of Endor.