Wednesday, 11 November 2009

A scavenger

Quote of today

A jawa seeing a lonely R2-D2.
A New Hope
Today we celebrate...
Melissa Kurtz at her 43rd birthday (born 1966)

Melissa Kurtz was born in North Carolina, USA and played a jawa in A New Hope. Her father, Gary Kurtz, is the producer of A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. Melissa was eleven years old when A New Hope was filmed and probably because of her father she and her three years younger sister got to play jawas.

Jawas are meter-tall scavengers living in the desert on Tatooine. They scurry around like rats completely hidden behind rough robes and with glowing yellow eyes.

Despite the impression that they are everywhere there ar no more than eight jawas in the movie (and in the credits).

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

High-ranking Imperial officer

Quote of today
"Until this battle station is fully operation, we are vulnerable."

General Tagge is concerned about the Rebellion.
A New Hope
Today we remember...
Don Henderson at his birthday (born 1932, died 22 June 1997)

Don Henderson was born in England, United Kingdom and played General Tagge in A New Hope. He was an active actor all until his dead.

General Cassio Tagge is an Imperial officer stationed aboard the Death Star. He is one of few Imperials who had concerns regarding the threat posed by the Rebel Alliance. General Tagge died when the Death Star was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance.

Draft scripts of A New Hope often swapped the names of General Tagge and Admiral Motti and maybe that is the reason for that in the end credits for A New Hope, General Tagge is mistakenly named Commander Taggi.

year 2001 was the release of the Teaser Poster for Attack of the Clones.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Named after the apperances

Quote of today
"We don't serve their kind here!"

The bartender sort out the visitors
A New Hope

Today we celebrate...
Ted Burnett at his birthday (born 1926, died 1 October 2001)
Phil Fondacaro at his 51st birthday (born 1958)

Ted Burnett was born in England, United Kingdom and played Wuher in A New Hope.

Phil Fondacaro was born in Louisiana, USA and played a ewok in Return of the Jedi, the only ewok who died on screen.
Phil started his career off in 1980 when they put a call out to all little people to be in a film (Under the Rainbow), he and his brother Sal tried out and got parts in the film with Carrie Fisher.

Wuher is Mos Eisley Cantina's gruff bartender.
Until 1993 he was just known as the "bartender" but a roleplaying game supplement identified him as Wuher. Prior to that, a 1989 boxed set of metal miniatures called him "Cedo Partu", but that name just never stuck.

The only ewok who died on screen was shot and killed by a laser blast from an AT-ST. An ewok named Romba, who had been fighting alongside this ewok, stayed behind and wept over his fallen comrade.
This unidentified Ewok is often referred to by fans as "Corpsey".Author Ben Harper attempted to assign the name Lana to this Ewok because he thinks it sounds like that's what the other Ewok is saying as he prods the body to see if he's okay.

year 2004 was the release of the teasertrailer for Revenge of the Sith.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Silver instead of Gold

Quote of today

"The Ambassadors are Jedi Knights, I believe."

The protocol droid TC-14 gives some information of the visitors to the host.
The Phantom Menace
Today we celebrate...
Lindsay Duncan at her 59th birthday (born 1950)

Lindsay Vere Duncan was born in Scotland, United Kingdom. She is an award winning actress who did the voice of TC-14 in The Phantom Menace.

John Fensom worked as an animatronics assistant for The Phantom Menace. He was the man in the costume of TC-14.

TC-14 is the silvercolored protocol droid with feminine personality, that greeted Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi when they attempted to negotiate with Trade Federation.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Is it art or just industrial design?

Quote of today
"Look sir -- droids."

The stormtrooper got a clue.
A New Hope

Andrew Ainsworth designed the storm-trooper helmets and was paid $70 (GBP35) each for 50 helmets made for the 1977 film. But he says he owns the merchandising rights and is entitled to a multi-million dollar pay off. 
In 2004 he sold copies of the outfits for $3,600 (GBP1,800) each - but was stopped by George Lucas who claims he owns the copyright. But Ainsworth is claiming the copyright has expired because the uniforms were industrial design, not art.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

It's a saga

Quote of today
"A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..."
The opening of every Star Wars movie
year 1997 was the premiere of the exhibition Star Wars: The Magic of the Myth

Star Wars: The Magic of Myth was a traveling exhibition created by the Smithsonian Institute. Between October 29, 1997 and January 1999, the exhibition joined American aerospace history in the halls of the National Air and Space Museum. After that the Star Wars: The Magic of the Myth at the Smithsonian exhibit traveled the United States and Australia from September 1999 until January 2003.
Star Wars: The Magic of Myth                                                                                                                                           

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

A Y-Wing pilot

Quote of today

"They've coming in! Three marks at two ten."

Gold Leader discover expected enemy fighters
A New Hope
Today we celebrate...
Angus MacInnes at his 62nd birthday (born 1947)

Angus MacInnes was born in Ontario, Canada and played Gold Leader in A New Hope.

The Gold Leader during the battle of Yavin is Jon "Dutch" Vander. He is a senior pilot of the Rebel Alliance. Gold Leader is killed by Darth Vader and his wingmen above the Death Star.

Today year 2004 was the release of the MMORPG Galaxies: Jump to lightspeed.This was the first expansion and it added space-based content to the basic, "ground-based" game. 

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Two bad guys from the Clone Wars

Quote of today

"Master Kenobi, always chasing after Skywalker. How predictable."

Asajj Ventress greets Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Clone Wars
Today we celebrate...
Kevin Michael Richardson at his 45th birthday (born 1964)
Nika Futterman at her 40th birthday (born 1969)

Kevin Michael Richardson was born in New York, USA and did the voice of Jabba the Hutt in The Clone Wars. He is a classically trained actor and a voice artist mostly recognizable for his deep voice. Years before The Clone Wars he did the voice of Jolee Bindo in the vidoegame Knight of the Old Republic. But this is just a small part of what Kevin Michael Richardson has done, read a lot more about him at his own wedsite.

Nika Futterman was born in New York, USA and did the voice of Asajj Ventress in The Clone Wars movie and the The Clone Wars TV-series. She had to audition several times for the part to voicing Ventress. Read more about her other work at her own website.

Jabba the Hutt is the preeminent kingpin of crime in the Outer Rim Territories.

Asajj Ventress is Count Dooku's most-trusted assassin during the Clone Wars. She is not officially a Sith apprentice but well-trained in the arts of lightsaber dueling and Force manipulation.

If you in to drawing and want some help with drawing Asajj Ventress here is two different "how to": Drawing Asajj Ventress and Drawing Asajj Ventress from The Clone Wars.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

A Jedi feeling blue

Quote of today 
"What about the other Jedi spread across the galaxy?"

The fresh Darth Vader ask his Master of the future plans.
Revenge of the Sith

Today we celebrate...
Amy Allen at her 33rd birthday (born 1976)

Amy Allen was born in California, USA and played Aayla Secura in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. She also was part of visual effects production and technical support at Industrial Light & Magic on Attack of the Clones. Amy Allen have a couple of cameo apparence in Attack of the Clones as Outlander patron Mya Nalle, Yma Nalle and Lela Nalle Mayn. For the DVD version of The Phantom Menace she played a role as a Twi'lek senatorial aide, replacing the Human aides of Senator Orn Free Taa.
How Amy Allen became all these characters you can read here at

Aayla Secura is a blue-skinned Twilek Jedi, embodied Jedi strength and Twilek femininity in an eye-catching combination of beauty and power. She is killed by clone troopers as part of the purge of Jedi.

Mya Nalle, Yma Nalle and Lela Nalle Mayn is the Nalle triplets -- a trio of attractive human females used as spies by local corrupt Coruscant politician, Acros-Krik.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

The princess

Quote of today
"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."

Princess Leia begging for help in desperate times.
A New Hope
Today we celebrate...
Carrie Fisher at her 53rd birthday (born 1956)

Carrie Frances Fisher was born in Bevery Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA and played Leia in the Original Trilogy. She is the daughter of the actress Debbie Reynolds and singer Eddie Fisher. Carrie Fisher grew up wanting to follow in the footsteps of her famous parents. If you want to know more about Carrie Fisher go to her own website or read her at twitter, and here is an interview.

Leia is the Princess of Alderaan engaged in the Rebell Alliance.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Two mollusks, a squid and a calamar

Quote of today

"We'll last longer than we will against that Death Star...and we might just take a few of them with us."

Lando explains his bold manouver.
Return of the Jedi
Today we celebrate...
Gerald Home at his 59th birthday (born 1950)

Gerald Home was born in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom and played Tessek-Squid Head and a Mon Calamari Officer in Return of the Jedi. You can read more about Gerald Home at his official website.

The planet Mon Calamari is the home for two species, the Mon Calamaris that gives the planet its name, and the Quarren.

The Mon Calamari is humanoids with salmon-colored skin, webbed hands and large eyes. They are a key species of the Rebellion, supplying warships to the Alliance fleet.

The Quarren, sometimes rudely called "Squid Heads", is an alien species characterized by the four tentacles protrude from their jaws. Tessek is a Quarren seen in Jabba's Palace.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

An assassin and a bodyguard

Quote of today
"It was just a job."

Zam Wesell will not willingly give away the name of her boss.
Attack of the Clones

Today we celebrate...
Dominic West at his 40th birthday (born 1969)
Leeanna Walsman at her 29th birthday (born 1980)

Dominic West was born in England, United Kingdom and played a Naboo Palace Guard in The Phantom Menace.

Leeanna Walsman was born in Sydney, Australia and played Zam Wesell in Attack of the Clones. Most sources have today's date as her birthday but IMDb and Wikipedia sets her birthday to 22 November 1979. Read about her pick-up shots in this interview at

The Palace Guard served as bodyguards for the ruling Monarch of Naboo and is stationed in and around the Theed Royal Palace.

Zam Wezell is a Clawdite with the ability to change facies. She is an assassin and a bounty hunter that often choose to appear as a beautiful human female.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Look-a-like Governor

Quote of today
"Enough of this! Vader, release him!"

Grand Moff Tarkin commands a Dark Lord of the Sith
A New Hope

Today we celebrate...
Wayne Pygram at his 50th birthday (born 1959)
Justin Dix at his 41st birthday (born 1968)

Wayne Pygram was born in Cootamundra, Australia and played Governor Tarkin in Revenge of the Sith.
He got this part because of his resemblance to Peter Cushing, who portrayed Tarkin in A New Hope 28 years earlier.

Justin Dix was born in Victoria, Australia and was a droid unit technicians for Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. He also made a small cameo appearance in Attack of the Clones as a Outlander Club patron.

Governor Tarkin is the Imperial governor of the Outland Regions.

Dixon Just is a human in the Outlander Club
seen near entrance.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Senator only in a deleted scene

Quote of today
"On the behalf of the "delegation of two thousand," I thank you, Chancellor."

Padmé thanks Chancellor Palpatine for listen to their reservations.
Revenge of the Sith
Today we celebrate
Ling Bai at her 43rd birthday (born 1966)

Ling Bai was born in Chendu, China and played Senator Bana Breemu in deleted scenes in Revenge of the Sith. Read more about her at her own website.

Bana Breemu is one of the senates wanting to present the Petition of 2,000 to Chancellor Palpatine.
She can only be seen in the deleted scene of the meeting in Padmé's apartment.

Friday, 9 October 2009

A Blessed and a bounty hunter

Quote of today
"He's no good to me dead."

Boba Fett is afraid the torture of Han Solo will kill him.
The Empire Strikes Back
Today we celebrate...
Brian Blessed at his 72nd birthday (born 1937)
Jason Wingreen at his 90th birthday (born 1919)

Brian Blessed was born in England, United Kingdom and played Boss Nass in The Phantom Menace.

Jason Wingreen was born in New York, USA and did the voice of Boba Fett in the original version and the 1997 theatrical versions of The Empire Strikes Back. His voice was replaced by the voice of Temuera Morrison in the 2004 DVD version of The Empire Strikes Back. Temuera Morrison portrayed Jango Fett, the father of Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones.

Boss Nass is the leader of the Gungans of Otoh Gunga on planet Naboo.

Boba Fett is a bounty hunter recruited to hunt down the Millenium Falcon. His is an unaltered clone of his father Jango Fett. Are you a fan of Boba Fett you might have visit the Boba Fett Fan Club website.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

A native stuntman

Quote of today
"Oh! All this excitement has overrun the circuits of my counterpart here. If you don't mind, I'd like to take him down to maintenance."

C-3PO is his bluffing his way past the guard
A New Hope
Today we celebrate...
Lightning Bear at his 62nd birthday (born 1947)

Lightning Bear was born in Texas, USA and was a stuntman in the Original Trilogy. He also played stormtroopers and biker scouts in the same trilogy. Pictures of which stormtrooper and scouter bike he played and a lot of more about Lightning Bear can you find on his website.

Stormtroopers are the military soldiers loyal to the Emperor.

Biker scouts are stormtroopers designated as scouts. Scouts often work in conjunction with light reconnaissance vehicles, such as Imperial speeder bikes. For this reason, they are often referred to as biker scouts.

Designer Nilo Rodis-Jamero likened the scout troopers to kamikaze pilots who need only to see what's directly in front of them. This was part of the inspiration for the viewplate shroud on their helmets, which resemble the blinders worn by racehorses.

Already in 1973 George Lucas briefly mentions the Star Wars in an printed interview in The New York Times today's date.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Two of a kind

Quote of today

"If into the security recordings you go, only pain will you find."

Yoda wants to protect Obi-Wan from the truth
Revenge of the Sith

Today we celebrate...
Greg Proops at his 50th birthday (born 1959)
Eric Wong at his 33rd birthday (born 1976)
Mousy McCallum at her 22nd birthday (born 1987)

Greg(ory Everett) Proops was born in Arizona, USA and did the voice of Beed in The Phantom Menace. He is a comedian and in his blog you can read what he is up to.

Eric Wong was born in California, USA. He was an animator for Attack of the Clones and creature technical director for Revenge of the Sith. Eric Wong also had a small role as a Temple Jedi in Attack of the Clones.

Mousy McCallum was born in England, United Kingdom as Olivia McCallum and played Bene in Revenge of the Sith. She is the daughter of Rick McCallum the producer of the Special Edition and the Prequel Trilogy.

Beed is the green-hued head of the two-headed alien announcer of the Boonta Eve Podrace. Beed provided commentary in Huttese while his counterpart commentary in Basic.

Bene is a 15-year old Jedi Padawan. She is killed by Darth Vader during the masacre at the Jedi Temple.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Sour-faced bartender

Quote of today
"No blasters! No blasters!"

The Bartender in Mos Eisley Cantina panic when he sees a laser pistol.
A New Hope
Today we remember...
Ted Burnett who died today year 2001

Ted Burnett was born in England, United Kingdom, 8th November 1926. He played Wuher in A New Hope.

Wuher is the sour bartender in Mos Eisley Cantina.

Monday, 28 September 2009

There are so many of them

Quote of today
"And hurry up, will ya? I haven't got all day"

Han Solo thinks C-3PO is a slow translator
Return of the Jedi
Today we celebrate...
Kiran Shah at his 53rd birthday (born 1956)

Kiran Shah was born in Nairobi, Kenya and played an ewok in Return of the Jedi. He is an actor, a stuntman and a poet. Since 2003, Shah has held the Guinness World Record as the "shortest professional stuntman currently working in film." Read all about him on Kiran Shah's own website.

Ewoks are the furry worriers that helped the Rebels to destroy the Imperial shield generator on the forest moon of Endor.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Two dear friends

Quote of today
"Look at the size of that thing!"

Wedge Antilles is impressed by the Death Star
A New Hope
Today we celebrate...
Denis Lawson at his 62th birthday (born 1947)
Garrick Hagon at his birthday

Denis Lawson was born in Scotland, United Kingdom and played Wedge Antilles in all three movies of the original trilogy. He is also the uncle to Ewan McGregor who portrayed Obi-Wan Kenobi in the prequel trilogy. Denis Lawson was offered the role of Captain Antilles in Revenge of the Sith but turned it down.
In A New Hope Wedge Antilles is voiced by David Ankrum, as well as in the scene below.

In one scene in A New Hope, during the pre-battle briefing on Yavin 4, it is not Denis Lawson playing Wedge Antilles. It is Colin Higgins who plays Wedge Antilles when he talks with Luke about hitting such a small target as the Death Star exhaust port.

Garrick Hagon was born in England, United Kingdom in the 1940's and played Biggs Darklighter in A New Hope. Most of his scenes were cut out of the final movie but one was restored to the Special Edition, the Rebel Base scenes on Yavin IV just before the attack on the Death Star.

Wedge Antilles is a Rebel fighter pilot. He served as Red Two during the battle of Yavin. He is part of the Rouge Squadron during the battle of Hoth and ends up as Red Leader during the battle of Endor.

Biggs Darklighter is Luke Skywalkers best childhood friend from Tatooine. He was shot down and killed by Darth Vader during the attack of the first Death Star.

Friday, 25 September 2009

The hero

Quote of today
"I want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing here for me now. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father."

Luke Skywalker decides to follow Ben Kenobi on a damned-fool idealistic crusade
A New Hope
Today we celebrate...
Mark Hamill at his 58th birthday (born 1951)

Mark Richard Hamill was born in California, USA and played Luke Skywalker in the Original Trilogy. Playing Luke Skywalker wasn't his first or last acting as many people may think. Since Star Wars Mark Hamill has been successful on Broadway, as a voice actor in animation and video games, and as a comic book creator. There is an official fan website and you can read more about him full of suprises (archived

Luke Skywalker is a farmboy on Tatooine that becomes a Jedi knight and fight with the Rebel Alliance against the Empire. In early drafts of Star Wars he was known as Luke Starkiller.


Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Youth in the galaxy far far away

Quote of today

"No, I'm the one with enthusiasm. You're the one with the experience, which I'm looking forward to learning from."

Ashoka Tano splitting up the work between her and Master Skywalker.
The Clone Wars movie
Today we celebrate...
Ashley Eckstein at her 28th birthday (born 1981)

Ashley Eckstein was born in Kentucky, USA and raised in Florida. She is the voice of Ashoka Tano in The Clone Wars. Read more about Ashley Eckstein at her own fan website and more about her work with The Clone Wars in Ashley Eckstein Talks Ahsoka.

Ashoka Tano is a young Togruta eager to prove herself as a worthy Padawan during the Clone Wars. Her bold Master, Anakin Skywalker, nicknamed her Snips.

Today we remember...
Michael Gilden at his birthday (born 1962).

Michael Gilden was born in California, USA and played an ewok in Return of the Jedi. He died 5th december 2006 by suicide. Michael played the ewok hammering the foot of an AT-ST and that role was his film debut.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Two meter alien

Quote of today

"There's no war here, unless you brought it with you."

Tion Medon pretend that everything is alright
Revenge of the Sith
Today we celebrate... 
Bruce Spence at his 64th birthday (born 1945)

Bruce Spence was born in North Island, New Zealand and played Tion Medon in Revenge of the Sith. You can read more about Bruce Spence and his work as Tion Medon in this archived article.

Tion Medon is the Port Administrator for Pau City, Utapau. As the Port Administrator he oversees all the influential inbound and outbound traffic to the planet.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Hight isn't enough to make a fighting Dark Lord

Quote of today

"There is no conflict."

Darth Vader tells Luke that he has no good inside his evil mind.
Return of the Jedi

Today we celebrate...
Bob Anderson at his 87th birthday (born 1922)

Bob Anderson was born in England, United Kingdom and was the stunt-double for David Prowse / Darth Vader in A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. He also played an Imperial Officer in The Empire Strikes Back.

Bob Anderson has been a competitive fencer and represented Great Britain at the Olympic Games 1948 and 1952. He started his career in movie stunts 1953 and still 2003 was he involved in Pirates of the Caribbean as sword trainer and in The Lord of the Rings as sword master.

Bob Anderson is 1.85 m (6' 1'') and shorter than the 1.96 m (6' 5'') Darth Vader / David Prowse. If you look through the scenes with Darth Vader fighting you never see his feet. That's because Bob Anderson was wearing lifts or was filmed from a lower point to look taller.

Darth Vader is the two meter high Dark Lord of the Sith that is all dressed in a black armor.

Imperial Officer is the high class soldier in the Empire

Does anyone know in what scene Bob Anderson play an Imperial Officer?

Friday, 11 September 2009

A voice from the Dark Side

Quote of today
"Soon, the Jedi will not only be at war with you, Count, but with the Hutt clan as well."

Palpatine reveals his cunning plan
The Clone Wars
Today we celebrate...
Ian Abercrombie at his 73rd birthday (born 1936)

Ian Abercrombie was born in England, United Kingdom and was the voice Chancellor Palpatine in The Clone Wars (movie).

Chancellor Palpatine is the one who is given emergency powers to activate the Republic's newly forged army of clones in the war against the Separatists.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Another Count Dooku

Quote of today
"Grand Master Kenobi, you disappoint me. Yoda holds you in such high esteem."

Count Dooku feeling invincible
Attack of the Clones
Today we celebrate...
Kyle Rowling at his 39th birthday (born 1970)

Kyle Rowling was born in Australia and was the stunt double for Christoffer Lee/Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. For Obi-Wan's combat sequence with General Grievous in Revenge of the Sith he wore a bluescreen (or greenscreen) suit to fill-in for Grievous. Kyle Rowling played Joclad Danva in Attack of the Clones and he also tought Jett Lucas to fight with a lightsaber.

Joclad Danva is one of the Jedis fighting in the Geonosian arena. He can be seen behind Anakin in the survival circle but is possibly killed during gunship arrival.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

A legend in design and another ewok

Quote of today
"Hello, I think... I could be mistaken. They're using a very primitive dialect. But I do believe they think I am some sort of god."

C-3PO translate what the ewoks say.
Return of the Jedi

Today we celebrate...
Stuart Freeborn at his 95th birthday (born 1914)
Kendra Wall at her 49th birthday (1960)

Stuart Freeborn was born in England, United Kingdom and was the supervisor of makeup and creature design for the Original Triology. He (and his crew) built Yoda, Chewbacca, the wampa, tauntauns, mynocks, ugnaughts, the sarlacc and a lot of the Mos Eisley cantina aliens.

Kendra Wall was born in Illinois, USA and played an ewok in Return of the Jedi.

Friday, 4 September 2009

A non-American Director

Quote of today
"Yes or No will do."

The EV-9D9 isn't in a mood for chitchat.
Return of the Jedi
Today we remember...
Richard Marquand who died today 1987

Richard Marquand was the Director of Return of the Jedi. He also did cameo voice appearance as an AT-ST driver and the droid EV-9D9 in the same movie.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Rebel and Imperial forces clash across the galaxy

Quote of today
"Afraid I was going to leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?"

Han Solo saying goodbye to Leia at the rebel base on Hoth
Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Miniatures premiered year 2004

Star Wars Miniatures is a collectible miniatures tabletop game produced by Wizards of the Coast. The first set was the Rebel Storm.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Servents of the Empire, a Jedi and a stepfather

Quote of today
"Cliegg Lars. Shmi is my wife... Come on inside. We have a lot to talk about."

Cliegg Lars introduces himselves to Anakin Skywalker.
Attack of the Clones
Today we celebrate…
Jack Thompson at his 69th birthday (born 1940)
Leonard Thomas at his 48th birthday (born 1961)
Dee Bradley Baker at his 47th birthday (born 1962)

Today we remember…
Michael Sheard who died today 2005 (born 16th June 1938)

Jack Thompson was born in Sydney, Australia and played Cliegg Lars in Attack of the Clones. His birth name was John Hadley Payne.
In the movie he has only one leg but his other leg is only dressed in a blue sock for digital removal.

Leonard Thomas was born in Oklahoma, USA and was the assistant to Samuel Jackson in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. He also played Roth-Del Masona in Attack of the Clones.

Dee Bradley Baker was born in Indiana, USA and did the voice for Commander Cody, Captain Rex and other Clone Troopers in The Clone Wars movie.
Read more about his work as the voice of several clones in The Voice of “Rookies”.

Michael Sheard was born in Scotland, United Kingdom and played Admiral Ozzel in The Empire Strikes Back.

Cliegg Lars is the moisture farmer on Tatooine that freed and married Anakin’s mother Shmi Skywalker. Cliegg dies of broken heart and of the injury he got when trying to rescue Shmi from the usken Raiders.

Jedi Roth-Del Masona is the adjutant to Mace Windu and one of the jedi that survive on the Geonosis arena. Roth-Del Masona is killed by General Grievous in the Battle of Courascant (Told in The Clone Wars TV-serie, chapter 25 and the book Labyrinth of Evil accourding to Wookiepedia.

Commander Cody, also known as unit 2224, was a loyal clone trooper serving the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.

In The Clone Wars TV-Episode: The Hidden Enemy at the end of Act I, you can hear Obi-Wan refer to Cody as both "commander" and "captain." The latter shot was originally of Kenobi referring to Rex and remain due to late editorial changes.

Captain Rex, also known as unit 7567, was a freethinking and aggressive soldier's-soldier and second in command after Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars.

Admiral Ozzel is a Imperial Navy officer.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

A loyal padawan

Quote of today
"Be careful, Obi-Wan. This investigation is becoming less than routine"

Mace Windu is concerned about Obi-Wan Kenobi's mission on Geonosis.
Attack of the Clones
Today we celebrate...
Nalini Krishan at her 32nd birthday (born 1977)

Nalini Krishan was born in Suva, Fiji and played Barriss Offee in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. She has her own website where you can read more about her.

Barriss Offee is a loyal Padawan paired with Jedi Master Luminara Undili. Barriss Offee was one of the victims of Order 66.

Friday, 28 August 2009

She gave Mara Jade a face

Quote of today
"You're wrong, Leia. You have that power too. In time you'll learn to use it as I have. The Force is strong in my Family. My father has it ... I have it ... and ... my sister has it."

Luke talks with Leia about his family.
Return of the Jedi
Today we celebrate...
Shannon McRandle at her 40th birthday (born 1969)

Shannon McRandle was born in Texas, USA and is a professional model. She has portrated Mara Jade in several photos for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, Enhanced Jabba's Palace (1999). Many subsequent products have since then borne Shannon McRandle's likeness to represent Mara Jade.

But there are also others who have represented Mara Jade.

Mara Jade is the future wife of Luke Skywalker and mother of his child.

We meet her the first time in the book "Heir to the Empire" (1991), part 1 in the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn. She is a well-known character in the Expanded Universe
but is never seen in the Star Wars movies.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

A little person

Quote of today

"Nice work. Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinking with your stomach."

Han Solo isn't pleased with being caught in a Ewok net.
Return of the Jedi
Today we celebrate…
Sal Fondacaro at his 57th birthday (born 1952)

Sal (Salvadore) Fondacaro was born in New York, USA and played an ewok in Return of the Jedi.

Ewoks are these furred and curious small creature, native to the moon of Endor.